Schnick Motorsports

Results - Updated March 18, 2000

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March 18 2000 was the first points race of the season for us at Texas Raceway. It rained on the way there and was raining when we got there. Then it stopped. They got the track dried off. But, by that time, there was not a lot of time left. So, they limited us to one time trial each and No consolation race.

Unfortunately, I had a hard time getting the cars to start, ran the battery down in the starter, got them to start, and was so happy they were running, we did not "drive" them at all in the pits. We were thrown way off. I am guessing the cool weather we had after the rain was messing with the car's setup really bad.

On Nicholas' time trial, he was able to stage just fine. But, when he got on it to go, it stumbled badly for the first 60 feet or so. Ended up with a 14 second pass. Since we were limited to 1 time trial, we had no idea what to dial the car in at. I knew the car was going to go much faster then that after I adjusted it in the pits. Well we knew we were in a bad way so I dialed him in a tad faster then the car had ever gone before at 10.55. He ended up going his fastest pass ever in 10.36 sec at 60.26 mph! The new Mickey Thompson M1 tires did not spin and the car did not stumble. He was eliminated by virtue of the breakout. He beat the other boy by over a tenth of a second in the reaction time with a .568 RT.

On Chrystal's time trial, the car went its fastest ET ever at 13.09 seconds. On her first elimination run, the car went 13.36 on a 13.05 dial. The other car broke out giving us the first round win. In the second round, we dialed Chrystal at 13.15. She ran 13.152! Unfortunately, her reaction time was .765 against a .609. She lost at the light.

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